The COFA Women’s Ministry was established in November 2020. Mike Brooks, Founder, was aware of a need for women to get together for a time of fellowship and to enjoy the outdoors. The Leadership Team agreed and the building of this outreach began.
All women of all backgrounds are welcome and invited to attend the activities. During the colder months, the primary focus will be on outdoor training seminars such as surviving the outdoors, GPS and compass/map training, gun safety, and hunting. During the warmer seasons, we will be outdoors hiking, biking, and developing outdoor photography skills to name a few of the scheduled events.
Our activities are held in addition to the many other events presented by COFA. For a listing of women’s only activities, click on “Women’s Outreach” on our web site at To see all events sponsored by COFA, go to “Events” or “Upcoming Events” and click on any area of interest listed below. You’ll see information on ATV rides, fishing and hunting trips and more. The Turkey Shoot is a favorite for children. Events will be added to the web site as they are planned. Check back often for updates or contact a member of our Leadership Team below to learn more.
Also, join us at a monthly COFA breakfast meeting at 8:00 a.m. the first Saturday of each month, to learn more about upcoming events and share your ideas! The location varies and will be listed in the ” Event ” areas noted above.
Our activities are designed to be low cost so everyone can enjoy time in God’s great outdoors. If a specific cost is not noted, a small donation ($5-$10) would be greatly appreciated to help cover the cost of training materials and other essentials.
We are anticipating a lot of fun and good experiences. Learn outdoor skills and enjoy the outdoors as a group. A time for new friendships and enjoying existing relationships. We sincerely hope you consider participating and look forward to meeting you.
Leslie Allen, 303-909-3707,
Carol Brooks, 303-335-6689,