At this course, students will complete the Traditional, instructor-led, in-person Hunter Safety Education course in a classroom setting that includes lectures, hands-on activities, and videos.
About the Event: Comprehensive Instruction in Colorado Hunting Safety Education: This official training program is developed to meet the standards for Hunting safety education established by Colorado. The basic purpose of a Hunter Education class is to teach hunters to be safe, legal and responsible.
Topics covered include wildlife management, wildlife identification, ethics, laws and regulations, and firearms safety and handling. While Hunter Education classes enable safer hunting, they also help hunters to be more successful in their hunts – and emphasize ethical hunting behavior.
Hunter education cards will be awarded to students upon successful completion of the course, which includes attending all class sessions, passing a written test, and live fire. Rifles and ammunition for the live fire will be provided. No personal firearms or ammunition are allowed.
Cost: $10 fee for the course.
Schedule: Saturday, April 13, 7:30 AM to 3:00 PM and Sunday, April 14, 7:30 AM to 3:00 PM. Classroom instruction on day 1 and part of day 2 will be at the Hunter Education Building at Colorado Parks & Wildlife Headquarters, 6060 Broadway, Denver, CO 80216 (not South Broadway). Live fire portion of the class and exam will be in the same location on day 2 to sight-in a firearm and practice.
CPW and COFA have the right to cancel Hunter Ed classes due to weather conditions. Call Mike at 303.880.9878, or Leslie at 303.909.3707 for weather updates.
DENVER, CO 80216-1029
United States
Fee | $10.00 |