On Saturday, March 22nd, COFA will host a Basic Pistol course for anyone to attend. Those 21 and older will receive a certificate allowing them to apply for their Concealed Carry Permit (CCW) in Colorado.


A gift of a concealed carry permit would be ideal for your significant other or loved one for their birthday, anniversary, graduation, or any special occasion!  


Everyone is invited to register for this class. Those under 21 are welcome to attend for informational purposes, and those under 18 must have a parent or guardian present. However, they cannot apply for their concealed carry permit until after their 21st birthday.


Please feel free to contact us (see below) for questions or more information about those under 21. 

This class, on Saturday, March 22nd, from 8:00 AM to 12:30 PM, will be held at the COFA Green Barn, Conifer Training Facility, 8660 S Fairall Rd, Morrison, CO 80465 (near Conifer).


While our course emphasizes gun safety, we will provide a legal summary regarding carry laws, pistol terminology and function, carry methods, shooting basics, and range etiquette.


This is a basic pistol course that meets the standards Colorado law has put in place and satisfies the educational qualifications to obtain a concealed carry permit in the state of Colorado. These laws are changing July 1st! Get your permit now before the law changes. After July 1st, an 8-hour course will be required including an exam and live-fire qualification of 50 rounds. Contact us if you have questions!


How would you like to learn different shooting positions? You may have never shot a pistol before, but now, here’s your chance. As an added bonus, you will learn and practice the proper stance and position for holding a handgun while firing. There’s nothing to be afraid of, learn safe methods of shooting a pistol with self-confidence and understanding. If you’ve considered learning or even attempted to shoot a pistol, sign up now; space is limited.


Personal firearms and live ammunition are not permitted in the class. COFA will provide Smith & Wesson M&P 40 .177 Caliber Air Pistol handguns to practice with.


Please feel free to take notes or photograph slides in the presentation.


COFA's instructor, George Reinbold, is a NRA Certified Basic Pistol Instructor and Range Safety Officer.


For more information, contact Leslie at lesliea@cofausa.org or 303.909.3707, or Mike at mikeb@cofausa.org or 303.880.9878.


COFA is an All-Volunteer, non-denominational, designated 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Your suggested donation of $100 goes toward training materials/equipment and is greatly appreciated!

March 22nd, 2025 from  8:00 AM to 12:30 PM
MORRISON, CO 80465-2521
United States
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Phone: (303) 909-3707
Phone: (303) 880-9878
Event Donation
Event Donation $100.00